A message from the Chair of HealthProm's Board:
I am delighted to announce that the Board of HealthProm has approved a new strategy for 2017- 2022.
This reaffirms our commitment to the mission, vision and values which already underpin HealthProm’s work. We see a continued catalytic role for HealthProm in supporting and empowering local partners to tackle the continuing challenges of childhood institutionalisation, social exclusion of children with disabilities and the still high levels of maternal and child mortality in countries like Afghanistan. Within our existing regional focus, we are ready to expand activity to new countries where we can add value. We will improve the communication, dissemination and management of knowledge from HealthProm’s work and develop a wider pool of local and international expertise. We will support inter-regional projects and stakeholder networks to share learning and best practice. At the same time we will strengthen aspects of our internal organisation and critically look for longer-term funding arrangements that can ensure a stable future.
An Executive Summary of the new strategy and our Theory of Change can be downloaded below.
Simon Ray, Chair of the Board of HealthProm