HealthProm was one of approximately 50 civil society organisations to participate in the UN's Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Regional Conference on ICPD+25, Enabling Choices: Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development which took place in Geneva 1-2 October.
The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was a seminal event that took place in Cairo in 1994, during which countries from around the world committed to the prioritisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights within the development agenda. Embedded within this was also a commitment to promoting the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. This event prompted the creation of the ICPD Agenda and associated Programme of Action.
Next year marks the 25th Anniversary of this Agenda, and UNECE has responded by gathering delegates from its 56 Member States from Western and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia and North America to evaluate progress and gaps in the implementation of this Agenda.
HealthProm participated in the development of a joint statement on behalf of the civil society sector at a CSO Consultation event that took place before the main Conference. This statement, which was read at the UN Conference and integrated into the official proceedings, called on Member States to:
- Improve the inclusion of vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, people living with HIV, LGBTQI individuals, people affected by conflict, the elderly and other groups;
- Take action on retrogressive policies impacting sexual and reproductive health and rights in many countries of the region;
- Recognise that there is shrinking space for the CSO sector in some countries of the region;
- Increase funding to CSOs where possible; and
- Commit to generating and sharing better disaggregated data.
HealthProm was delighted to have the opportunity to take part in this event, and wishes to thank the Commonwealth Medical Trust for its support.