Dear HealthProm friends and supporters,
We are writing to you today as a valued friend of HealthProm, the charity that gives vulnerable children the best start in life. Your support in the past has been so important in giving a brighter future to children in the most desperate situations.
We’re a small charity that makes a big impact. For over 25 years, our dedicated teams have supported marginalised children and families, helping them to overcome the challenges of poverty, abuse, social exclusion and disability. But today we face our greatest ever challenge in raising new funds. Without your help, we may not survive. Just imagine a future without HealthProm…
Help children like Farzad

When Fatima first approached one of the baby homes in Tajikistan, she was in desperate need of help.
She was the fourth wife of a man who was physically abusive. She also had difficulties with her husband’s other wives, his sisters and his mother, who all lived in the same home. Fatima and her son Farzad suffered constant abuse from the family.
She had no choice but to leave.
With no money, no family support and nowhere to live, she turned to the local orphanage.
In the past, young Farzad may have been left in the institution, his future uncertain. But, thankfully, HealthProm was there. With our local partners, we were able to provide Fatima and Farzad with food, water and shelter, while helping Fatima get back on her feet so she could build an independent future for herself and her son. Without HealthProm, imagine life for Fatima and Farzad today.
Please, help us to continue to protect more vulnerable children and young women.
Without urgent action, it’s not just the future of HealthProm that’s at risk: the future of many vulnerable children is in the balance as they face the added challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please donate now. Just click this link to donate via our JustGiving page, or see below for more options.
Each year, we transform the lives of children in desperate need. Without your help, this vital work could end. With your help, our achievements since 2018 include:
- supporting 734 children with severe disabilities in Belarus
- helping children across Russia to access mainstream education by training 138 teachers and social workers in inclusive education
- supporting 560 families in Tajikistan while developing effective social work that saw the number of babies in target children’s homes fall by 17%
- Without HealthProm, all that could end. Imagine the impact on each child, each family we help.
Please, if you can, help us to continue to guarantee a better future for vulnerable children. We don’t have expensive offices to maintain or high salaries to fund. Last year, over 96% of our spending directly supported our international activities – just less than 4% was spent on fundraising and support costs.
- £20 could pay for a counselling session with a psychologist for a family and their disabled child in Tajikistan
- £50 could pay for a teacher or a parent to attend a local training course to learn about better care and education for a child with a disability
- £200 could pay for a social worker to support families like Fatima and Farzad in Tajikistan for one month
Please support HealthProm today with a gift of £25 or whatever you can afford – your kindness will give hope to children in desperate need.
Thank you,
Simon Ray, Chair of the Board

Tanya Buynovskaya, Director of Operations

You can donate online at our Summer 2020 Appeal JustGiving page by clicking this button:
Send a cheque payable to ‘HealthProm’ to:
HealthProm, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
Make a bank transfer to HealthProm. Contact Tanya to find out more:
[email protected] / 020 7832 5832
Set up a regular gift by contacting Tanya at:
[email protected] / 020 7832 5832
*Prices are given as illustrations of the cost of services we provide. Your gift will be used by HealthProm wherever the need is greatest